Tag: explorers

  • This Wednesday, eight members of the 8th collected awards at the Annual County Awards Evening at the RAF museum in Hendon. Once again, they showed exactly why the group still deserves it’s title of ‘The Keenest Group in Holborn’ (maybe we should change this to ‘in CCI?’), by picking up a whole host of Awards…

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  • At the same time as most of the Unit were keeping cool on the water, somewhere up in the wilds of North London, Jaye, Magda and Helen took part in the final major training camp before the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden this summer. As well as learning important skills like clothes washing and tick…

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  • Between the 18th and 20th March, Magda and Remi bravely took up the challenge to represent 8th Holborn at the inaugural District Explorer Camping Competition at Chalfont Heights. The competition consisted of a variety of different challenges including navigation, hiking, cooking, first aid and pioneering. True to form, our team showed off their creativity in…

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  • Following our successful win of the Novice Trophy in 2010, four 8th Holborn Explorer Scouts joined forces with fellow Explorers from Hampstead and Haringey, to compete in the 30km race around the Chilterns. Despite a damp and rather nerve-wracking start as they waited for Mitchell to navigate his way via public transport to join them,…

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  • Not to be put off by a snow-storm or two, on the 17th December 2010, senior Explorers from 8th Holborn and Haringey’s Wild Wolf ESU headed off to Empshott in deepest Hampshire for a weekend of leadership training. With tasks ranging from stretcher races and enemy stake-outs to leadership challenges and presentation seminars, the Explorers…

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  • This year the Explorers raised a massive £1,684.99 for the Poppy Appeal and even received a special certificate for Outstanding Contribution from the local branch of the Royal British Legion. Having earned their spurs last year by staking out previously unknown pitches in bitterly cold weather, this year they were rewarded with some prime spots…

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  • On the 29th October 2010 seven Explorers, two Cubs and one Beaver Scout from 8th Holborn visited the Poppy Factory in Richmond to find out more about the history of the Poppy Appeal and meet some of the people that make the actual poppies and wreaths that are sold every November. After a talk by…

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  • The Nights Away totals have now been calculated for the last year and the top 4 are as follows: Calum: 44 (how is this possible?) Jaye: 42 Molly: 34 Nelly: 29 The prize this year for topping the list- a new DD Scout Hammock. Well done to them all!

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  • It’s been a hectic weekend with several thousand visitors on site for the international fayre and a Scout’s Own on the lawn of the Castle (not to be confused with the Kastle, the entertainment marquee). Molly, Ruairi and Calum have all survived the ‘Extreme Survival’ activity run by Marlon, and Blake and Mitchell headed for…

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  • OMG it is so amazing here, i had never met so many people in just 2 days the people here are so friendly and the activity was outstanding than other camp i ever when on and there even fishing come on you never get fishing on a camp! The patrol split up and did different…

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