8th Holborn Take Over County Awards Evening

This Wednesday, eight members of the 8th collected awards at the Annual County Awards Evening at the RAF museum in Hendon. Once again, they showed exactly why the group still deserves it’s title of ‘The Keenest Group in Holborn’ (maybe we should change this to ‘in CCI?’), by picking up a whole host of Awards ranging from their Bronze DofE Award to the Queen’s Scout Award. Although repeatedly described as being from ‘Camden, City and Islington’, the endless display of khaki scarves made it very clear who was really behind all the success. The highlight of the evening was when the top award holders took to the stage and three out of four of them came from from the 8th!

Special mention should go to Balan and Nelly who received their Gold DofE Awards and QSA, and to David who received his Gold DofE Award.

Well done to everyone, and here’s hoping for another award-winning year!

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