8th Holborn visit the Poppy Factory

On the 29th October 2010 seven Explorers, two Cubs and one Beaver Scout from 8th Holborn visited the Poppy Factory in Richmond to find out more about the history of the Poppy Appeal and meet some of the people that make the actual poppies and wreaths that are sold every November. After a talk by quick tour of the factory, everyone was soon hard at work making all sorts of poppies and wreaths (including special RAF ones using red, white and blue carnations), under the watchful eye of the experienced ex-servicemen who work full-time in the factory. If you’re buying a poppy or laying a wreath in November 2011, be warned it might have been made by a member of 8th Holborn!

After the visit and suitably decorated with poppies, most of the party took the easy route home on the Tube. However, inspired by the beautiful clear weather, some of the more adventurous Explorers headed off down the Thames Path for a spot of mud-larking. Before they reached the end of their walk at Barnes Bridge, not only had they discovered a whole host of trophies, but they had also encountered a company of wild Parrots!

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