Category: Blair Atholl

  • Our Group Camp at Walton Firs at the beginning of May was the largest ever 8th Holborn camp with 115 people involved. A massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who made it happen.

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  • It’s been a hectic weekend with several thousand visitors on site for the international fayre and a Scout’s Own on the lawn of the Castle (not to be confused with the Kastle, the entertainment marquee). Molly, Ruairi and Calum have all survived the ‘Extreme Survival’ activity run by Marlon, and Blake and Mitchell headed for…

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  • OMG it is so amazing here, i had never met so many people in just 2 days the people here are so friendly and the activity was outstanding than other camp i ever when on and there even fishing come on you never get fishing on a camp! The patrol split up and did different…

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  • Today was free of the normal activities and instead was the Country Fayre – where every contingent held a stall with food, games and activities from their countries and culture. There was all sorts of offer – 8th Holborn had lots of London posters and leaflets, monopoly and croquet to play, and fruiktcake, tea and…

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  • Another sunny day today, after the one day of rain, which is good! Let’s hope that lasts! We had full kit inspection in Morrison sub camp today, which meant taking EVERYTHING out of our tents and laying it out neatly for a leader to check for us. We also had ‘left foot inspection’ where thye…

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  • We had a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 We’ve been go karting in the morning, before splitting up for the afternoon with Nelly, Jaye and doing archery and Blake, Mitchell and Jamie doing electronics, where they made light up woggles! We’re settling in well with our twin patrol, who are from Inverness. They are nice. 🙂 This…

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  • Twelve Explorers and two leaders successfully made it to King’s Cross to catch the 6.15am train from Kings Cross to Edinburgh. On-board entertainment included the investitures of Matty and Mitchell and a marathon sew-athon to tidy up our uniforms. At Edinburgh, we boarded a packed train to Blair Atholl, stacking our bags in every space…

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  • Ever one for a challenge, 8th Holborn ESU (along with a few refugees from other nearby Units) are making history by being the first English Contingent at the world-famous Blair Atholl Patrol Jamborette for 40 years. We’re sending two Patrols, each of 6 Explorers, to spend 10 days in the Highlands of Scotland, living, working…

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