Summer Camp: Scotland

In the first week of the summer holiday the scout troop went to Scotland. We woke up at around 3am to get to the train station for ten to five! Personally, I believe it is not natural to wake up at such a painful hour. After five hours on the train, surrounded by very excitable boys (wide awake even at 5 in the morning!), we arrived in Glasgow and all ten of us, two leaders and eight scouts, piled into a minibus. We drove for around two hours, up huge hills and down even bigger ones (cue screaming from the boys).
Once we arrived at Lochgoilhead I was amazed to find we were staying indoors and were catered for. Pure Luxury! Luckily we didn’t get the chance to go soft because the camp ran a wide range of exceedingly cool outdoor activities such as the Burn Run (actually running up a river!) and climbing and abseiling on real rocks! Soon we were all signed up to extra courses in sailing and climbing. In fact we were so busy for the whole week we didn’t even have much time to enjoy our en-suite bathrooms. En-suite I tell you!
Overall the whole week was hugely enjoyable and great fun, even if there were a few scrapes (e.g. falling off a mountain bike). It was a great first week of summer camp!

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