Group Camp at Broadstone Warren

More than 80 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders and parents took part in our Group Camp at the Spring Bank Holiday weekend.

This year we travelled slightly further afield than usual, to the massive Broadstone Warren campsite in the heart of Ashdown Forest, East Sussex.

Activities included bushcraft, grass sledging, archery, zipwire, leap of faith, hiking and much else besides.

The Scouts went for a nine-mile hike round Ashdown Forest, the Cubs built rafts on the lily pond and the Beavers went for a ride on the Bluebell Railway.

Oh, and everyone went swimming in the solar-heated pool…

Huge thanks to everyone who made the event possible, from our amazing catering team to the wonderful advance guard who set everything up before the hordes arrived.

Thanks also to the staff and crew at Broadstone Warren for being so welcoming.

Next year we’ll all be at the first ever district camp for our new North London Scout District at Tolmers in Hertfordshire.